Processing, Plant Support & Distribution Equipment
Wednesday November 11, 2020
Machinery & Equipment Formerly Used in the Production, Manufacturing and Distribution of Candied (Glacé) and Crystallized Fruit Products:
1200 and 1306 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Plant City, Florida 33563
Lots Begin to Close at 10:30 am EST
Inspections: By Appointment Only
Contact: Brian Clettenberg, 847-729-3380, brianc@winternitz.com
Featured Categories:
Paddle Finishers, Slicers, Mix Tanks, Storage Tanks, Kettles & Cook Tanks, Screeners, Conveyors, Syrup Tanks, Fillers, Metal Detectors, Pumps, Cooling Towers, Air Compressors, Boilers, Maintenance/Machine Shop, Fork Lift Trucks, Drive-In Racks, Drum Crushers, S/S Piping Valves & Fittings, S/S and Steel Inventory/Scrap, Spare & Repair Parts, Electrical Parts & Components, Motors, Etc.
If You Have Eaten Candied Fruit or Crystallized Ginger, and Especially if You Have Eaten a Holiday Fruitcake, There is a Strong Chance this Plant Cooked, Candied and Packaged those Bright Red and Green Cherries, Chunks of Pineapple and Citron, and Orange and Lemon Peel. A Basic Fruitcake Ingredient. Sold to Manufacturing Bakers, Institutions and Retailers for Use in Home Baking. This Plant also Processed and Sold Strawberry Products to Commercial and Institutional Users, Including Preservers, Dairies, and Drink Manufacturers, to Name a Few. It is Estimated this Plant produced 85 Percent of All the Candied Fruit Consumed in the United States.
Additional sale Information:
Waiver of Liability and Release
Credit Card Authorization Form
Featured Equipment:
- (2) Brown Model 202 Stainless Steel Paddle Finishers
- Brown Model 4300 Stainless Steel Peel Slicer
- Walker 3,600 Gallon Cap. Model CWBT Stainless Steel Steam Jacketed Mix Tank
- (15) Walker 1,200 Gallon Cap. T-304 Stainless Steel Vertical Single Wall Mix Tanks
- Lee 500 Gallon Cap. Stainless Steel Jacketed Mix Kettle
- (2) Carle & Montanari-Milano 3,000 Gallon Cap. Model BG Stainless Steel Evaporators
- 3,000 Gallon Cap. Stainless Steel Mix Tank, with Half Jacket,
- 2,000 Gallon Cap. Stainless Steel Vertical Single Wall Tank
- 1,500 Gallon Cap. Stainless Steel Vertical Single Wall Tank
- (10) 1,500 Gallon Cap. Stainless Steel Lined Pineapple Cook Tanks
- (18) Stainless Steel Open Top Rectangular Cook Tanks
- (16) Stainless Steel Lined Rectangular Holding Tanks
- (4) TCI 10 in. Model CF8M-SD9JF4 Stainless Steel Cast Swing Check Valve (Like New)
- Large Quantity of Viking Centrifugal Pumps & Positive Displacement Pumps
- (4) 1,800 Gallon Cap. Vertical Poly Tanks
- (35) 850 Gallon Cap. Stainless Steel Rectangular Tanks, with Screens
- Sprout-Bauer 72 in. x 48 in. Stainless Steel Hydrasieve Static Screen
- Over (30) Cont. Power Belt, Cleated Belt, Screw Auger Conveyors, from 5 ft. up to 60 ft. long
- (3) Stainless Steel 2-Step Vibratory Wash Conveyors
- (5) 12,000 Gallon Cap. Horizontal Epoxy Lined Syrup Holding Tank
- 5,000 Gallon Cap. Horizontal Epoxy Lined Syrup Tank
- 5,000 Gallon Cap. Horizontal Water Tank
- Single Head Bulk Filler
- Mettler-Toledo Safeline 5 in. Flow Through Metal Detector
- SEM Model WB1230-18 Stainless Steel Weigh Belt Conveyor
- (2) Advantage Cooling Towers
- Assorted Stainless Steel Piping and Fittings
- Electrical Motors and Electrical Components
- Assorted Stainless Steel Piping and Fittings
- Large Quantity of Spare & Repair Parts
- Stainless & Steel Inventory / Scrap
- (2) Ingersoll-Rand 30-HP Model EP30-ESP Rotary Screw Type Air Compressors
- York Shipley 600-HP Model FA-600 Natural Gas-Fired Packaged Boiler
- Cleaver Brooks 200-HP Model CB266-200 Natural Gas-Fired Packaged Boiler
- (12) Toyota & Yale Electric Fork Lift Trucks, up to 4,800 lb. Cap.
- (70) Bays of Drive-In Pallet Racking
- Diesel Fuel Tanks
- (2) Hydraulic Drum Crushers
- Maintenance Department – Machine Tools, Power Tools, Etc.
- Plant Support Equipment
Photo Gallery is in Order by Lot Numbers
Sale Held in Conjunction with Perfection Industrial
Paul Shoniker, Florida License # AU2522
Charles Winternitz, IL Lic. #: 440.000541
18% Buyer’s Premium